1999-2004 牛津大学生物化工专业博士
1996-1999 中国科学院过程工程研究所化工专业硕士
1987-1991 哈尔滨工业大学材料专业学士
2017.7-至今 安徽工业大学,教授/博士生导师
2010.1-2017.6 中科院过程工程所研究员
2006.6-2009.12 牛津大学生物医药工程研究所高级研究员
2003.4-2006.5 牛津大学工程系博士后
1996-1999 中国科学院过程工程研究所助理研究员
1991-1996 中国科学院过程工程研究所研实员
1991年哈尔滨工业大学获工学学士,1999年于中国科学院过程工程研究所获硕士,2004年英国牛津大学获博士学位。2003年--2009年在英国牛津大学作博士后和高级研究员,从事科研和部分教学工作。2010年任中科院过程所生化工程与装备研究部副主任,国家生化工程重点实验室主任助理。2010年7月至今在任职于安徽工业大学化学与化工学院,安徽工业大学生物化工中心主任。曾获国家科技进步奖和中国科学院科技进步一等奖。近年的研究方向:基于分子模拟设计用于药物递送、CO2捕集和转化、生物材料、抗菌、疾病治疗和体外检测等的功能多肽,组织工程,再生医药、微流控和在线检测技术等。在Biotech. Bioeng.、Hum. Reprod. Sensor Actuat B-Chem、Osteo. Cart.等重要学术刊物上发表论文近40篇。撰写专著中的2章,申请国际发明专利2件,中国发明专利13件。2010年回国后先后主持国家自然科学基金面上项目2项,国家自然科学基金重大研究计划培育项目1项,以及中科院战略新型产业项目和科研装置研制项目各1项,以及企业项目。
1. 2011.12-2013.11.微量药物溶出动力学测试设备研制. 联合主持. 中科院科研装备研制. 343万元
2. 2012.1-2015.12.干细胞的冷冻损害机理的研究. 主持. 国家自然科学基金. 60万元(21176238)
3. 2012.5-2015.4.生物制药中的关键技术及应用. 主持. 中科院战略新兴产业. 500万元(企业400万元)
4. 2013-2015.生物材料的研究. 主持. 企业. 20万元
5. 2016.1-2019.12.冷冻保存过程中细胞骨架对人多能干细胞命运的调控机制研究及应用. 主持国家自然科学基金. 65万元 (21576266)
6. 2016.1-2018.12. CO2酶法捕集系统中的介尺度结构和调控机制研究. 主持. 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划. 80万元 (91534107)
Book chapter
1.Xia Xu*.Cryopreservation: Cryopreservation of stem cells in Comprehensive Biotechnology. Elsevier. Volume 5, 2011, Pages 481-488
2. Jiabin Zhang, Hu Zhang,Xia Xu.Smart Materials to Regulate the Fate of Stem Cells in Smart Materials for Tissue Engineering: Fundamental Principles. RSC Smart Materials Series. 10.1039/2046-0074. 2016
1. Yuping Wei, Liang Zhang,a Yankai Fu, andXia Xu*. Rapid delivery of paclitaxel with an organic solvent-free system based on a novel cell penetrating peptide for suppression of tumor growth. Journal of Materials Chemistry B. 2017. DOI:10.1039/C7TB01259D
2. Yuping Wei, Liang Ma, Liang Zhang,Xia Xu*. Non-covalent Interaction Assisted Drug Delivery System with Highly Efficient Uptake and Release of Paclitaxel for Anticancer Therapy. International journal of nanomedicine. 2017. Accepted.
3. Yankai Fu, Tingxuan Yan,Xia Xu*. Insight of Transmembrane Processes of Self-Assembling Nanotubes Based on a Cyclic Peptide Using Coarse Grained Molecular Dynamics Simulation. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. Accepted.
4. Rensen Ran, Huan Zeng, Dong Zhao, Ruiyuan Liu andXia Xu*. The Novel Property of Heptapeptide of Microcin C7 in Affecting the Cell Growth of Escherichia coli Molecules 2017, 22(3), 432.
5. Liang Zhang, Yanqing Xu, Jiandong Xu, YupingWei, andXia Xu*. Protein kinase A inhibitor, H89, enhances survival and clonogenicity of dissociated human embryonic stem cells through Rho-associated coiled-coil containing protein kinase (ROCK) inhibition. Human Reproduction, 2016. 31: 832–843.
6. Liang Zhang, Yanqing Xu, YupingWei, andXia Xu*.Protein kinase A inhibitor, H89, significantly enhances survival rate of dissociated human embryonic stem cells following cryopreservation. Cell Prolif. 2016. 49:589-98.
7. 张燕,韦宇平,张良,付彦凯,徐建栋,徐霞*.一种基于小分子多肽配体检测AD7c-NTP的新方法.山东大学学报(理学版)2016. 51: 121-125.
8. Yanqing Xu, Liang Zhang, Jiandong Xu, Yuping Wei,Xia Xu*. Sensitivity of human embryonic stem cells to different conditions during cryopreservation. Cryobiology. 2015. 71: 486-492.
9. Yankai Fua, Yanzhuo Wu, Yuping Wei, Xianhua Chen, Jiandong Xu,Xia Xu*.Development of a Thermally Stable Formulation for L-Asparaginase Storage in Aqueous Conditions. Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic. 2015. 122:8-14.
10. Yuping Wei, Jiandong Xu, Liang Zhang, Yankai Fu andXia Xu*.Development of novel small peptide ligands for antibody purification. RSC Adv. 2015. 5: 67093-67101.
11. Jiandong Xu, Xuefei Lv, Yuping Wei, Liang Zhang, Rui Li, Yulin Deng,Xia Xu*.Air bubble Resistant and Disposable microPCR Chip with a Portable and Programmable Device for Forensic Test. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. 2015. 212: 472–480.
12. Yanqing Xu, Liang Zhang, Jiandong Xu, Yuping Wei,Xia Xu*. Membrane Permeability of the Human Pluripotent Stem Cells to Me2SO, Glycerol and 1,2-Propanediol. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics. 2014. 550–551: 67–76.
13. Yuping Wei, Chunlong Li, Liang Zhang,Xia Xu*.Design of Novel Cell Penetrating Peptides for the Delivery of Trehalose into Mammalian Cells. BBA Biomembrane. 2014. 1838: 1911-20.
14. Hongmei Liu. Yan Li. Anbu Mozhi. Liang Zhang. Yilan Liu.Xia Xu. Jianmin Xing. Xingjie Liang. Guanghui Ma. Jun Yang. Xin Zhang. SiRNA-phospholipid conjugates for gene and drug delivery in cancer treatment. Biomaterials. 2014. 35: 6519–6533.
15. Yuping Wei, Chunlong Li, Liang Zhang, Zhiguo Su,Xia Xu*. Inhibition of Methemoglobin Formation in Aqueous Solutions under Aerobic Conditions by Addition of Amino Acids. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2014. 64: 267-275.
16.Xia Xu,Yang Liu, ZhanFeng Cui, Effects of cryopreservation on human mesenchymal stem cells attached to different substrates. Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine. 2014. 8: 664–672.
17. 李春龙,李小爽,徐霞.冻干过程体系pH模拟与可视化测量。山东大学学报。2013.48: 39-42.
18.Xia Xu*,Yang Liu, Zhanfeng Cui, Yuping Wei, Liang Zhang. Effects of osmotic and cold shock on adherent human mesenchymal stem cells during cryopreservation. Journal of Biotechnology, 2012.162:224-31.
19. 李小爽,韦宇平,王卿卿,李春龙,徐霞.冻干制剂体系的多组分选择对崩塌温度的影响.山东大学学报. 2012. 47: 10-13.
20. Yang Liu,Xia Xu,Xuehu Ma, Zhanfeng Cui, Effects of Various Freezing Solutions on Cryopreservation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells from Different Animal Species. Cryoletter. 2011. 32: 367 – 376.
21. Sammy Sambu.Xia Xu,Zhanfeng Cui. Predicting the survival rate of mouse embryonic stem cells cryopreserved in alginate beads. Journal of Engineering in Medicine. 2011. 225: 1092-1107.
22. Sammy Sambu,Xia Xu,Zhanfeng Cui. RGDS-fuctionalized alginates improve the survival rate of encapsulated embryonic stem cells during cryopreservation. Cryoletters. 2011.32: 389-401.
23. Yang Liu,Xia Xu,Xuehu Ma, Zhanfeng Cui. Effects of Various Freezing Solutions on Cryopreservation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells from Different Animal Species. Cryoletters. 2011. 32:425-435.
24.Xia Xu, Sally Cowley, Chris. Flaim. Williams James, Zhanfeng Cui. Enhancement of cell recovery rate of dissociated human embryonic stem cells after cryopreservation. Biotechnology Progress. 2010. 26: 781-788.
25.Xia Xu,Sally Cowley, Chris. Flaim. Williams James, Zhanfeng Cui.The roles of apoptotic pathways in the low recovery rate after cryopreservation of dissociated human embryonicstem cells. Biotechnology Progress. 2010. 26:827-837.
26. Yang Liu,Xia Xu, Xuehu Ma, Enca Martin-Rendon, Suzanne Watt, Zhanfeng Cui. Cryopreservation of human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells with reduced dimethylsulfoxide and well-defined freezing solutions. Biotechnology Progress. 2010. 26: 1635–1643.
27.Xia Xu,Jill PG Urban, Uday Tirlapur, Zhanfeng Cui. Osmolarity effects on bovine articular chondrocyte response during long-term culture in alginate. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage. 2010. 18: 433-439.